... to steal a phrase - and blog heading - from Laura Lippman.
Working on revisions to the new novel this week, so blogging will be sparse until they're done (as if you hadn't noticed already). I have a couple unfinished things in the cooker that I'll eventually post, including "Big Apple Time Capsule Pt. 4," and a look at post-war British apocalyptic fiction. In the meantime, however, and till we're back to a regular blogging schedule, I'll try to provide some quick links for your edification and amusement:
+ Hours of fun over at the Bad Review Revue, as always, though they haven't updated in a while.
+ At The Rap Sheet, a look at the EXECUTIONER paperback series, a guilty pleasure of my teenage reading years, courtesy of British crime novelist Matt Hilton.
+ Crime writer - and Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement agent - James O. Born has re-emerged under the alias of James O'Neal. His first science fiction novel, THE HUMAN DISGUISE, will be out in May. He also continues to get naked every once in a while, over at his group blog.
+ A little retro girl-group fun from Sarah Borges and her band.
+ A great new look and layout to one of my favorite tribute sites, The Violent World of Parker.
+ And finally, with a tip of the hat to The House Next Door, a great moment in American acting, courtesy of Ryan O'Neal and Norman Mailer: